Utah is a state in the western region of the United States, known for its natural beauty, outdoor recreation, and unique geological features. However, Utah is also home to elevated levels of radon gas, which can pose a health risk to residents. Take a look at the Utah Map for Radon and see if you may have a risk of radon in your home.
What is Radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium in soil, rock, and groundwater. Radon gas can enter homes and buildings through cracks and gaps in the foundation, and it can accumulate to dangerous levels indoors. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Where is Radon on a Map of Utah
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has conducted radon testing throughout the state to identify areas with elevated levels of radon gas. The results of these tests have been compiled into a radon map of Utah, which can be used by residents to determine if their home or building is located in an area with elevated radon levels.
The radon map of Utah is divided into three zones based on the predicted average indoor radon concentration:
Zone 1:
Predicted average indoor radon concentrations greater than 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter)
Zone 2:
Predicted average indoor radon concentrations between 2.0 and 4.0 pCi/L
Zone 3:
Predicted average indoor radon concentrations less than 2.0 pCi/L
How to Test for Radon in Utah
The DEQ recommends that all homes and buildings in Utah be tested for radon, regardless of their location on the Utah radon map. However, homes and buildings located in Zone 1 should be tested immediately. These locations are at the highest risk of having elevated radon levels.
If your radon test indicates that radon levels are elevated, you can take mitigation measures to reduce radon levels and protect indoor air quality. The most common radon mitigation technique is the installation of a radon mitigation system. This includes a vent pipe and fan that draws radon gas from beneath the foundation and expels it outside.
Radon testing and radon mitigation services are available throughout Utah.
Reduce Radon Exposure
In addition to testing and mitigation, there are several steps that Utah residents can take to reduce their risk of radon exposure. These include:
Increase ventilation in the home by opening windows and use exhaust fans.
Seal cracks and gaps in the foundation and walls of your home.
Ensure that your home’s HVAC system is properly maintained and functioning effectively.
Quit smoking, as smoking increases the risk of lung cancer from radon exposure.
Take these steps and test for radon levels in your home or office building. Utah residents can reduce their risk of exposure to this harmful radioactive gas. The DEQ provides resources and information on radon testing and mitigation. They encourages all Utah residents to take action to protect their health and wellbeing.
Test Your Utah Home for Radon Today
Order a Radon Test Kit and test your home or office for radon. If your home or office has high levels of radon, hire a professional radon mitigator in Utah as soon as possible.