What Does Your Radon Number Mean?

When it comes to understanding your risks from radon exposure, your number means a lot. But what does your radon number mean? Radon is measured in Picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L).  4 pCi/L is the level established by the EPA for action – any building being tested at this number or more, should be fixed.  Even levels between 2 and 4 should be mitigation to reduce the risks of radon exposure.


What Does Your Radon Number Mean?

According to the EPA, the maximum “acceptable” level of radon is 4.0 pCi/L. Even 4.0 level is not “safe”, per se. The EPA strongly recommends you consider radon mitigation between levels 2.0 and 4.0. There is no known safe level of radon. You should always aim to have the lowest radon levels to reduce the risk of lung cancer.

What does your radon number mean

The Danger of Radon

Radon is a class-A human carcinogen so dangerous that the Surgeon General issued a warning similar to the warning label placed on cigarette packs. Most Americans are generally aware of the danger cigarettes pose, but they are unaware of the deadly link between radon and lung cancer.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Approximately 21,000 people die from radon-related lung cancer every year in the United States. Since Utah is a high radon state and there’s high associated deaths from radon, there’s enough reason to find out if you or your family is being exposed to excessive levels of this dangerous gas.

Lung cancer deaths are estimated 21,000 per year. Below compares radon to other estimated causes of death per year in the U.S. –

  • Drunk driving, 17,400 
  • Falls in the home, 8,000
  • Drownings, 3,900
  • Home fires, 2,800

The numbers of deaths from other causes are taken from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 1999-2001 National Center for Injury Prevention, and Control Report and 2002 National Safety Council Reports.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. If you smoke and live in a home with high radon levels, you increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Having your home tested is the only effective way to determine whether you and your family are at risk of radon exposure.


Test Your Radon Number

Order a test kit today and test if your home is safe.